FREE Printable Art: Winter Wonderland Poster

It's finally starting to look like Christmas here in MT. I live on the plains side of Montana, and we have been having a warm fall and winter, until this last week. It was ZERO degrees the other day. So cold, it makes your face hurt. Why do I live somewhere the air makes my face hurt? Once it warmed up from zero degrees, we finally had a snow that has stuck. And even though I don't love the snow, it is starting to look more like Christmas. So, to celebrate that, I've set up a set of free Winter Wonderland printable posters. Interested in other printable art for your home? Check some out by clicking HERE This is a pdf file with 4 pages, each page in a different color of glitter. Print on regular paper or card stock and hang it up as it is, or trim off the edges (1/4" from the left and right, and 1/2" from the top and bottom) to fit an 8" x 10" frame. It can also be easily printed onto an A4 page. Happy Holidays! Remember...