About Paper

The question I get asked the most is: What paper do you recommend? The short answer is card stock. After that there is really is no wrong answer. But there are few factors to consider: 1. The look you want. 2. How you are printing (the next post will be all about printing methods). 3. How you are going to present your invitations. About Paper • Even if you are printing at home, check with your local printer for paper. They will have single sheets of paper you can see and touch to judge the weight and finish, and they sell it be sheet and the ream, so you can purchase samples and do some test prints.• If you still want to purchase paper on your own, but want a shop to print onto it, consult with the printer first about what sizes they can print onto and other restrictions they may have about what papers they can and cannot use. • Any design in color is going to look great on a smooth, matte, white card stock, especially if there are large areas of color being printed...