Happy Valentine's Day!

I don't believe in a black and white view of the world. I think most every issue is shaded with gray, and that makes dealing with life hard and complicated and messy. Valentine's Day isn't really a gray a issue; it's a black and white one; people love it or hate it. What I'll say about Valentine's Day, this year especially, is that we can't have too much love in the world. And a day set aside to celebrating love is not misplaced. To that end, here are two different Valentine's Day posters, free to download, to help celebrate and spread love. Each one is an art inspired design, using color and drawn fonts for a bright and fun poster. Click on each image above to download the poster. These are each a pdf file with 1 page set up on a U.S. Letter size page. Print on regular paper or card stock and hang it up as it is, or trim off the edges (1/4" from the left and right, and 1/2" from the top and bottom) to fit an 8" x 1...